Review It! Political Edition

*Note if you can’t take criticism or other peoples opinion, please do not read. It seems everywhere you go there are elections being held. Primary elections for the Republican and Democratic nominee are going on in the US and the EU election is upon those in the UK. Since plenty of people have their opinion…

The American Expat

By Taylor Ham Trying to make friends in a different city is difficult enough. Try making some in a foreign city where you technically speak the same language, but you really don’t. Scots and other Brits are typically very friendly. If you are standing at a corner for more than 30 seconds someone is guaranteed…

Bit of Banter

Some news and insights from the editor Good morning Dundee. It’s always nice to wake up on a Monday morning to sunshine. It almost makes it seem as though the week won’t be bad at all. So, what’s on the agenda for this week? As an alum of the University of Dundee, I read on…

Bit of Banter

*this was written Saturday morning. Sorry for the delay in publishing it! Ah bless, the weekend is here. There is something quite soothing knowing the work week is behind you and the next 48 hours are yours. Dundee has plenty to offer this weekend. There is something for everyone. Live music in pubs (favourites of…

Playing in the Parks

Balgay When the suns out, people are out and the parks in Dundee are in full bloom. People are walking their dogs, playing football/cricket/Frisbee and some are just taking a wee nap on their picnic blanket. The park of choice right now is Balgay. Just far enough out of the way from the city centre,…

The American Expat

By Taylor Ham Coming from the burbs I’m used to just hopping into my Honda Civic Smurfette and driving from point A to point B. Now, if I want to travel anywhere without getting lost, I have to go on the dreaded public transport. I hop on the bus in the city centre. With my…

The American Expat

By Taylor Ham So I hear it’s the Queen’s 90th birthday today, but she apparently has another birthday in June. How can you be born twice? In America it’s a once and done deal. You didn’t see George Washington celebrating his birthday twice!

Bit of Banter

It seems as though 2016 is the year of celebrity deaths. Late yesterday and early today I read that Victoria Wood and WWE ‘star’ Chyna died. Although I’m not familiar with Victoria, I did see she often partnered with Julie Walters who is a legendary actress. I must admit when I saw that Chyna died,…

The American Expat

By Taylor Ham Awaken by the sun yet again before 6am! You’d think it was the middle of June rather than the end of April! The crazy amount of daylight is sure to make anyone feel confused. When all but one meal in eaten while dark out in winter, and now I will soon enough…


It’s a beautiful, sunny day in Dundee. A high of 16C and sunny blue skies is the forecast for today. Spring has finally arrived after a long, wet winter. The birds are chirping, gardens are being tended to and parks are filled with people and pets soaking up some much needed Vitamin D. Life is…